Monday 19 November 2012

The many flavours of pie...

This a completely random thing to post about, but, hey, why not talk about pie? It's quite fascinating if you know about all the glorious flavors!

My favourite pie is a MINCE PIE as the mincemeat filling is just simply delicious!

I know I  must sound like a person who eats and eats all day long but i can assure you i have a healthy, balanced diet and am quite thin. I think you should also know that I am not against, how should i put this, heavier people than me. in fact, if you are heavier than me, you are probably quite healthy, as i could be underweight. in fact, I probably am. Anyway, enough of the weight stuff. Back to pies.

Mince pies are quite festive, but i don't think that they should be associated with Christmas. People should be able to enjoy a mince pie any time of the year.

So, the pie of the month cannot be a mince pie, unfortunately, because i shall have to save that for December now. The pie of the month is an APPLE PIE.

Oh no, i can't get a picture of an apple pie! Damn you, internet, for not providing a nice apple pie pic with a valid URL!!!

I would say more about the wonderful topic of pies but I'm a busy person like yourselves, and so for now, goodbye.

PS. Have a mince pie!

1 comment:

  1. You have again posted about something I like very much. I do not see you as someone who eats continually, I like that you have chosen to post about pies. There are only two kinds of pies that I like........ hot or cold.:) nice of you to share with us.
