Saturday 8 December 2012


What can i say? There is nothing left about pies to write about! BTW, the pie for this month is a mince pie :)
well.... what should i do now??????????
I'm sorry i sound so boring, but nothing has happened to me since last time apart from the great British weather getting colder than ever!
Ummm... well, if you have nothing to do, why not check out
It's awesome!
will say more next time, promise!

Monday 19 November 2012

The many flavours of pie...

This a completely random thing to post about, but, hey, why not talk about pie? It's quite fascinating if you know about all the glorious flavors!

My favourite pie is a MINCE PIE as the mincemeat filling is just simply delicious!

I know I  must sound like a person who eats and eats all day long but i can assure you i have a healthy, balanced diet and am quite thin. I think you should also know that I am not against, how should i put this, heavier people than me. in fact, if you are heavier than me, you are probably quite healthy, as i could be underweight. in fact, I probably am. Anyway, enough of the weight stuff. Back to pies.

Mince pies are quite festive, but i don't think that they should be associated with Christmas. People should be able to enjoy a mince pie any time of the year.

So, the pie of the month cannot be a mince pie, unfortunately, because i shall have to save that for December now. The pie of the month is an APPLE PIE.

Oh no, i can't get a picture of an apple pie! Damn you, internet, for not providing a nice apple pie pic with a valid URL!!!

I would say more about the wonderful topic of pies but I'm a busy person like yourselves, and so for now, goodbye.

PS. Have a mince pie!

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Have a nice day!

Well, today I have been having a (fairly) nice time. I don't really have much experience in blogging, but a friend of mine recommended this title, which I, at first, thought it sounded stupid, but when I realised that I had no better ideas, I had no other choice but to go for it.

Seeing as though I am wishing you a nice day, let me post a relaxing image for you:
Relaxing sunset
I hope you all have a nice relaxing day.